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Privacy Policy and Cookies

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Data protection information

Who is the data controller for the processing of your data?

The Data Controller for personal data collected and processed through use of the LAKE ISLAND website, app or the devices in our physical stores, as well as those derived from your relationship with Nolita Group Ltd (“LAKE ISLAND”), with Corporate Tax ID MT29271128. You can contact LAKE ISLAND via the following means:


  • Postal address: 4, LAST BLOCK, P/H 7, Triq il – Habberxa, Marsaskala, MSK2242, Malta
  • Telephone no.: +356 9958 3663
  • e-mail:


We also inform you that LAKE ISLAND has appointed a Data Protection Officer who you may contact and/or raise any issue relating to the processing of your personal data by sending an e-mail to or by sending your query to the following postal address: 4, LAST BLOCK, P/H 7, Triq il – Habberxa, Marsaskala, MSK2242, Malta

What type of personal information does LAKE ISLAND collect and process?

LAKE ISLAND may collect from your relationship and use of our services, the following data and/or data categories:i) identification and contact data; ii) personal data; iii) financial data, such as credit card data (PAN+CVV2), in compliance with PCI DSS standards, which will be used for payment processing whenever you purchase any of our items or, in the case of returns for transfers, the account number for which we need to process the refund of your purchase; iv) data observed in the purchasing of our products and consumer habits and preferences of our customers; v) user data of the LAKE ISLAND website or app and browsing, in accordance with the cookies policy.

For what purpose do we process your personal data and what is the lawful basis?

At LAKE ISLAND we may process your personal data for the following purposes:  


  • Manage your registration, which will involve the creation of a LAKE ISLAND user account. This account will allow you to centralise any issue relating to your user status, and give you access to certain functions available and reserved for those with said status. For example, having a user account will allow you to store certain information that may be used in future purchases and/or interactions with LAKE ISLAND. 

Furthermore, the creation of a user account will allow you to participate in the LAKE ISLAND Likes You loyalty programme, in countries where it is available.  Registration on this programme may result in discounts and/or benefits in the services of third-party collaborators, as well as discounts on your future purchases at LAKE ISLAND. In this regard, we inform you that countries that dispose of the LAKE ISLAND Likes You loyalty programme will publish this on their respective websites. 

  • The lawful basis for processing your data for this purpose is the consent you gave when creating the account. We inform you that you can withdraw your consent at any moment without the withdrawal affecting the lawfulness of the previous processing. 


  • Process the purchase of items via the different purchasing channels enabled by LAKE ISLAND. This procedure consists in taking all appropriate steps in order to manage your purchase and, wherever applicable, guarantee the correct delivery of your order, in addition to undertaking any procedure related to the sale of the item, for example, the management and issue of proof of purchase documents such as the simplified e-ticket, the sale or Tax Free invoice and, wherever applicable, managing the return of items. 

To do this, we will be able to send you information about the status of your purchase by e-mail, SMS and/or any other channel available at any moment. 

  • The lawful basis for processing your data for this purpose is the execution of a contract, understanding as such the Conditions of Sale accepted at the moment of purchasing the items. The processing of your data is necessary in order to guarantee the fulfilment of the rights and obligations contained in the Conditions of Sale.


  • Management of the LAKE ISLAND Gift Card.  
    • The lawful basis for processing your data for this purpose is the execution of a contract, understanding as such the Conditions of Use accepted at the moment of purchasing the items. The processing of your data is necessary in order to guarantee the fulfilment of the rights and obligations contained in the Conditions of Use.

  • With regard to the processing of online purchases, LAKE ISLAND, as Data Controller, will carry out the corresponding actions for the prevention, detection and control of abuse and fraud in the use of our services, which may result in the existence of automated decision making

Said automated decisions shall consist of the analysis of behaviour in the payment process which, in general terms, will use data relating to the purchasing process and the purchase history, in order to determine whether the transaction may be considered fraudulent. This information will allow us to detect and try to prevent fraudulent practices in payment transactions, allowing us to reject purchases and consequently protect both you, as a data subject (in the case of identity theft), and LAKE ISLAND as a service provider and data controller.  

  • The lawful basis for the fulfilment of this goal is the legitimate interest of LAKE ISLAND to analyse all operations that occur in the payment process of the items it sells, in order to guarantee that no financial fraud occurs that may impact negatively either on itself or its customers. In this regard, we consider that there is a general interest for the processing to help generate, improve and maintain public confidence in the financial relationships developed through the payment methods made available by LAKE ISLAND in its online commerce, in order to prevent public mistrust resulting from fraud or fraudulent activity in the same. 
  • We inform you that, in this case, LAKE ISLAND has compelling and legitimate grounds to enable the processing of your data for this purpose, for which your right to opposition in accordance with the provisions of article 21.1 of the General Data Protection Regulation shall not apply.  

  • You can obtain more information about said evaluation by making a direct request to our Data Protection Officer. 

  • In cases where you are registered as a user and purchase one of our items via the website or app, we may carry out the following data processing: 
    • Save your credit card details for use in future purchases. 

    • The lawful basis for the processing or your data is the express consent given by you for us to save this information for use in future purchases, without prejudice to the legitimate use of your credit card data in the execution of a contract, in line with what is indicated in the previous section. 

    • To show you as a priority recommendations of similar content, in accordance with your purchase history or browsing on our website or app. 

    • The lawful basis for the processing of your browsing data is the express consent given by you when accepting the cookies. Furthermore, in order to analyse your purchase history, after balancing your interests as the affected data subject, and those of LAKE ISLAND as the data controller, it has been determined that the lawful basis that legitimises the processing or your data is a legitimate interest, deeming that it is in the interest of all the parties involved that items which may be of interest to the consumer are shown as a matter of priority. In this way, showing items that may reflect the priorities of the user in question as a matter of priority will allow LAKE ISLAND to offer you a better quality service and a more positive user experience, while giving LAKE ISLAND a reputational benefit based on the fact that users will have a positive browsing and shopping experience on our website and app.

    • You can obtain more information about said evaluation by making a direct request to our Data Protection Officer. 


  • Newsletter: management and sending of information on exclusive promotions and new products adapted to your profile, sending of audiences via digital platforms, and notifications relative to pending garments and accessories in your shopping bag via e-mail, SMS, post or any other communication channel and/or online platform. This includes promotional actions, such as, for example, the management of competitions and prize draws organised by LAKE ISLAND . In cases where receiving commercial notifications via different channels is accepted, personal data may be used to personalise notifications via online means.
    • the lawful basis for the processing of your data is the express consent you have given. Under no circumstances will the withdrawal of consent affect the lawfulness of the processing based on consent prior to withdrawal. 

  • Management of the alerts service to notify the availability of garments and accessories on the website/app.  
    • The lawful basis for the processing of your data for this purpose is the express consent given by you, which may be withdrawn at any moment without said withdrawal affecting the lawfulness of the processing based on consent prior to withdrawal.

  • Respond to the exercise of rights recognised in the data protection legislation.
    • The legal basis for the processing of your data is the fulfilment of a legal obligation with regard to managing the exercise of rights, in accordance with the obligation contained in the General Data Protection Regulation.   

  • Attend to queries, requests and potential complaints you may make via the Customer Services channel.  
    • Depending on the reason you are contacting LAKE ISLAND, the lawful basis for the processing of your data may vary. Consequently: 

    • We consider that LAKE ISLANDhas a legitimate interest in resolving and correctly attending to any suggestions, queries and requests you may make via the Customer Services channel on the understanding that, under no circumstances, will your rights and/or freedoms be affected or prejudiced by the fact that we are responding to a request initiated by you. 

    • In cases where this relates to an order that needs to be attended to in order for formalise the purchase, the lawful basis for the processing of your data is the execution of a contact, understanding as such the Conditions of Sale.

    • In cases where your data is processed to attend to a complaint sent via the Customer Services channel, the lawful basis for the processing of your data is the fulfilment of a legal obligation contained in the General Law for the Defence of Consumers and Users. 

  • Following the rendering of one of our services, sending you quality surveys aimed at knowing your opinion and degree of satisfaction with your relationship with LAKE ISLAND. The information collected from the survey will allow us to create and improve our services and procedures, said experience being of considerable interest to us.  
    • The lawful basis for the processing of your data is the legitimate interest. Our legitimate interest consists of being able to guarantee you that our website/app is secure, and to help LAKE ISLAND understand the needs, expectations and your degree of satisfaction with the brand and therefore improve our services at all times. All these actions will be carried out to improve your degree of satisfaction and guarantee a unique browsing and shopping experience, via aggregated analysis. 

  • Commercial canvassing and promotional activity with the subscription of the LAKE ISLAND finance card, in countries in which it is available.
    • The lawful basis for the processing of your data is the express consent you give when applying for the card. Said consent may be withdrawn at any moment without said withdrawal affecting the lawfulness of the processing based on consent prior to withdrawal.

  • LAKE ISLAND store search service. In cases where you are registered with your account, LAKE ISLAND will process your personal data in order to provide you this service, indicating the nearest stores to the address you have entered manually in the search engine enabled for this purpose on both the website and the app.  
    • The lawful basis for the processing of your data for this purpose is the legitimate interest. Our legitimate interest consists of being able to offer you the requested service in a quicker and more precise manner, and therefore improve the quality of our services by improving your degree of satisfaction with the products and services offered by LAKE ISLAND via its website or app. 

  • Profiling based on consumer behaviour, provided you have previously given your express consent for the sending of notifications adapted to your profile. 
    • The lawful basis for processing your data for this purpose is the legitimate interest, given that the sending of commercial notifications adapted to the interests, tastes and preferences is considered to be in the interest of all parties involved. Consequently, being able to adapt the commercial notifications to your user profile will allow LAKE ISLAND to offer you a better quality service since you will only receive notifications whose content may be of interest to you, thus avoiding the sending of generic notifications which may be excessive or of little interest to the data subjects. This will increase your degree of satisfaction and, in turn, benefit LAKE ISLAND, since it will be able to send more effective commercial notifications that favour the capture of new customers and gain the loyalty of existing ones, while also improving its commercial image.

    • The profiling algorithm does not formulate recommendations on actions to take (neither in terms of segment nor on an individual basis) and does not apply automated decision-making either, but merely analyses the consumer behaviour of customers and potential customers in order to know their interests, tastes and preferences by predicting the future consumer behaviour of the data subject. Based on this information, a Marketing manager will decide what it the best strategy for said segment, customer or potential customer.  

    • You can obtain more information about said evaluation by making a direct request to our Data Protection Officer. 

  • Sending of commercial notifications.
    • The lawful basis for the processing of your data for this purpose is the express consent you given when you create the account and/or sign up to the LAKE ISLAND Likes you loyalty programme. We inform you that you can withdraw your consent at any moment without the withdrawal affecting the lawfulness of the previous processing.

How long do we keep your personal data?

In order to guarantee that the personal data are appropriate, pertinent and limited to what is necessary for the purposes for which they are processed, LAKE ISLAND will keep your personal data only for a period that is reasonably necessary to fulfil the purpose for which they were collected, given the requirements to respond to issues that are raised or to resolve problems, make improvements, activate services and fulfil the requirements of the applicable legislation.This means that we may keep your personal data for a reasonable time, including after you have stopped using the services of LAKE ISLAND and/or have stopped using the website/app.After this period, your personal data will be blocked in all LAKE ISLAND systems for the sole purpose of making them available to the competent authorities in order to attend to any potential administrative or legal responsibilities and the exercise or defence of complaints.Once the blocking period for personal data has passed, they will be permanently deleted.

Who do we share your personal data with?

Your personal data will only be communicated to third parties in order to comply with any legal obligations that may apply in each case, for example, to Public Authorities and/or Bodies whenever required by the applicable tax, employment or Social Security legislation, or any other that may apply.


In cases where you make a purchase on our website or app, your data may be communicated, wherever applicable, to financial institutions and payment service providers, fraud detection and prevention organisations, for example Signifyd, and logistics, transport and goods delivery suppliers.Such communications are strictly necessary in order to guarantee the delivery of your order.


If you have applied for a LAKE ISLAND finance card, your personal data will be sent to the corresponding bank in order to study its viability and, wherever applicable, process the corresponding finance arrangement.


You are also informed that LAKE ISLAND may contract third parties that will have access to your data as the result of a service provision we have entered into.Such third parties may provide technology, customer service, marketing and advertising services, among others, and in all cases will process your data in accordance with the instructions of LAKE ISLAND and never for their own aims.


LAKE ISLAND shall not, under any circumstances, sell your personal data to third parties.

LAKE ISLAND associated brands:in some countries it is possible to purchase via our website/app products (“Products of LAKE ISLAND associated brands”) offered by other retailers (“LAKE ISLAND associated brands”).In this case, our website/app acts as a selling platform between the LAKE ISLAND associated brand and you.This information is available in each product description of the LAKE ISLAND associated brands, which expressly states that the product in question will be sold and dispatched by the LAKE ISLAND associated brand, as well as identifying said brand.

If you purchase Products of a LAKE ISLAND associated brand on our website/app, you formalise a contract directly with the LAKE ISLAND associated brand offering the Product.In such cases, LAKE ISLAND merely provides the associated brand your personal identification and contact data strictly necessary so that the LAKE ISLAND associated brand can fulfil its invoicing and delivery obligations regarding the product. Your data will be processed solely for this purpose.

Bear in mind that each LAKE ISLAND associated brand has its own Privacy Policy, which you will find on the websites of the respective LAKE ISLAND associated brands.Consequently, LAKE ISLAND is not responsible for the provisions contained in said Privacy Policies or for the data processing practices specified in the same.

International transfers

International data transfers may occur in cases where the companies that LAKE ISLAND shares your data with are located outside the European Economic Area. These are lawful, since appropriate guarantees to protect personal data have been established.In cases where the destination country is not covered by an adequacy decision, LAKE ISLAND will regulate the relationship with the third-party destination country shall by subscribing to the Standard Contractual Clauses adapted by the European Commission, whose contents may be consulted via the following link

Such third-party countries not covered by an adequacy decision of the European Commission principally include the United States of America.

In all cases, third parties sharing certain personal data will have previously accredited the adoption of suitable technical and organisational measures for the correct protection of the same.

Data not collected directly from the data subject

In certain services offered via the website/app, such as Gift Cards, the user may provide personal information to the recipient of the same.In this case, LAKE ISLAND will also comply with its obligations in accordance with the provisions contained in the data protection legislation, processing them solely for the purpose for which they have been provided to us.

How does LAKE ISLAND protect your personal data?

The website/app uses data security technologies such as firewalls, anti-automated threat systems, access control procedures and cryptographic mechanisms to prevent any unauthorised access to data and guarantee data confidentiality. Periodic security audits and frequent controls are also carried out to make risk assessments.In order to achieve said aims, users accept that LAKE ISLAND will obtain data for the purpose of authenticating access controls.


Furthermore, all transactions via the website/app will be made via secure payment systems.Confidential payment details are transmitted directly in encrypted format (SSL) to the corresponding entity.


LAKE ISLAND declares that it has adopted all the technical and organisational measures necessary to guarantee the security and integrity of the personal data it processes, and to prevent the loss, alteration and/or unauthorised use of the same by third parties.

What are your privacy rights in relation to your personal data?

Your rights are set out below.You may exercise them via the e-mail address In order to process your request to exercise your rights, we may ask you to provide proof of your identity.

Right of access

You have the right to obtain confirmation whether at LAKE ISLAND processing personal data that concern you, or otherwise, and to access the personal data LAKE ISLAND possesses about you.

Right to rectification

You have the right to request that LAKE ISLAND rectifies personal data when they are incorrect or for them to be completed when they are incomplete. In cases where you have a user account, you should correct your data directly by accessing the “My data” section of your profile.

Right of erasure

You can request that your personal data is erased when, among other reasons, the data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected.

Right to restrict processing

You have the right to request the restriction of the processing of your data, in which case we will only keep them for the exercise or defence of legal claims.

Right to data portability

You have the right to receive personal data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format, and to transmit them to another controller when the treatment is based on consent or the execution of a contract, provided they are transmitted by automated means.

Right to object

You can object to the processing of your personal details based on the public or legitimate interest pursued by LAKE ISLAND, including the profiling of data. In this case, LAKE ISLAND will stop processing the data, except for compelling legal grounds or when necessary for the exercise or defence of possible legal claims. You also have the right to object to the processing of data for direct marketing purposes.

Automated individual decisions

Wherever this applies, you have the right not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing, including data profiling, which has a legal or similarly significant effect on you. However, it will not be possible to exercise said right in cases where the decision is necessary for the formalisation or execution of a contract between you and LAKE ISLAND; it is authorised by the law applicable to LAKE ISLAND whenever it establishes the appropriate measures to safeguard your rights, freedoms and legitimate interests; or where it is based on your explicit consent.

Right to submit a complaint

You have the right to lodge a complaint before the competent local Supervisory Authority, which in Spain is the Spanish Data Protection Agency (

Modifications to the privacy policy

This privacy policy will be available at all times.However, in cases where we modify the content of the same in a substantial and significant way, we shall notify you via the website/app or to your e-mail address, in order to comply with the duty of information contained in the GDPR. Consequently, if you wish, you may exercise your rights as a data subject.

Use of our site/application

Access and use of the Site/Application confers the status of a user upon visitors of the Site/Application and implies full acceptance without reservation of the terms of use applicable at any moment.

Users agree to use the Site/Application content in an appropriate manner, for non-commercial purposes only and undertake (i) to provide true and exact information on the data requested in the registration form or order placement, and keep it up-to-date while using the Site/Application; (ii) not to incur inactivities that are illicit, unlawful or contrary to good faith and public order; (iii) not to publish content or propaganda of a racist, xenophobic or discriminatory nature based on race, gender, ideology, religion or act in any way contrary to the morality, public order, fundamental rights, public liberties, honour, intimacy or image of third parties and the applicable legislation in general; (iv) not to damage the physical and logical systems of the Site/Application, of LAKE ISLAND suppliers or third parties, or introduce or spread computer viruses into the network or any other physical or logical systems likely to result in the aforementioned damage; (v) not to use the content of the Site/Application and the information of the same for sending publicity, or sending messages for any other commercial purpose, or to collect and store the personal details of third parties; (vi) not to attempt to access and, wherever applicable, use the e-mail accounts of other users and modify or tamper with their messages; (vii) not to remove or change any content of the Site/Application or attempt to circumvent security or interfere with the proper working of the Site/Application or the servers on which it is hosted; (viii) not to create links to the Site/Application from any other website; (ix) not to alter the Application program code or parts thereof, decompile, disassemble or ascertain the source code in any other way or create derivations of the software. 

LAKE ISLAND reserves the right to make whatever modifications it considers appropriate to its Site/Application without prior notice, and may change, delete or add content and services it provides via the same, such as the manner in which the same are presented or located on its Site/Application.

By downloading the Application, LAKE ISLAND grants you the non-exclusive right to use it on a device which is in your possession on which the software can be run in accordance with the system requirements.

Intellectual and industrial property

All intellectual and industrial property rights over the Site/Application and its content, including, by way of example, the images, sound, audio, video, designs, texts, graphics, logos, icons, colour combinations, structure, buttons, in addition to the software, commercial names, trademarks, works, illustrations, photographs and industrial drawings and any other symbols for industrial and commercial use are the property of LAKE ISLAND or of third party owners of the same who have duly authorised their inclusion on the Site/Application.

The reproduction, distribution and public communication, including making part or all of the content of the Site/Application available for commercial purposes, in any medium and by any technical means, is strictly prohibited without the authorisation of LAKE ISLAND.

Users agree to respect the intellectual and industrial property rights owned by LAKE ISLAND. Users may use the Site/Application and their content for their own personal and private use and acknowledge that they do not acquire any ownership rights by downloading content from the Site/Application. Any other use is prohibited and shall require the user to obtain the prior, express and written consent of LAKE ISLAND. Users shall refrain from deleting, altering, eluding or tampering with any protective device or security system installed on the Website.

Responsibility derived from use of the website

LAKE ISLAND shall not, under any circumstances, be liable for any loss or damages of any nature they may occur, by way of example, as a result of: errors , omissions inaccuracy, incompleteness, incorrectness, unreliability, lack of integrity and quality of any content of the Site/Application, unavailability, modification, suspension or withdrawal of the Site/Application or any features or parts or content or the transmission of viruses or malware in the content, in spite of having adopted all the technological measures required to prevent this. It is users’ responsibility to implement appropriate IT security safeguards (including anti-virus and other security checks) to satisfy their particular requirements as to the safety and reliability of content.

Users may be redirected from the Site/Application to the content of third-party websites. Given that LAKE ISLAND cannot control the content introduced by third parties on to its website at all times, we cannot assume any liability in relation to said content. In all cases, LAKE ISLAND declares that it shall withdraw any content that may contravene national and international legislation, morality or public order with immediate effect, through the immediate withdrawal of the redirection to said website, reporting said content to the competent authorities.

LAKE ISLAND shall not be liable for stored information and content, including but not limited to, on forums, chats, blog generators, comments, social networks or any other medium that allows third parties to publish content independent from the Site/Application. However, LAKE ISLAND shall make itself available to all users, authorities and security forces and actively collaborate in the withdrawal or blocking of any content that may affect or contravene national or international legislation, third party rights, morality or public order. In cases where users consider that content which may be classified as such exists on the Site/Application, they are asked to report this without delay to the.

The Site/Application has been checked and tested to ensure it works correctly. In principle, the correct operation of the same can be guaranteed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, all year round. However, LAKE ISLAND cannot rule out the possibility that certain programming errors exist, or that access to the Site/Application may be impeded owing to force majeure, natural disasters, industrial action or other circumstances.

The introduction of hyperlinks for commercial purposes on third-party websites that allow access to the Site/Application is forbidden without the prior written consent of LAKE ISLAND. LAKE ISLAND shall not be liable for the use or content of third-party websites which may be linked to Site/Application.

What are cookies and how are they used?

Cookies are files installed on the computer, telephone, tablet or any other device of the user designed to record its activity during the browsing session on the present webpage and/or mobile application of LAKE ISLAND (“Web/App”).The use of cookies allows the server in which the Web/App is located to recognise the browser used by the user, granting the registered user, for example, access to the areas and services without having to register in each visit and record his/her preferences with regard to language, country, etc. in future visits. Cookies are also used to measure the audience and traffic parameters, monitoring the progress and number of entries.

What type of cookies does LAKE ISLAND use?

Below we indicate the types of cookies used in the LAKE ISLAND Web/App according to their use and the organisation that manages them (first and third-party cookies).



Performance Cookies

These allow us to count the visits to the Web/App and traffic sources, quantify the number of users, and therefore measure and conduct statistical analysis on the use made by users.

Functional Cookies

These allow you to access the service with predefined characteristics in accordance with a series of criteria, for example, the language, the type of browser used to access the service, the regional configuration where the service is being accessed from, etc.

Strictly Necessary Cookies

These are necessary for the browsing and the optimal performance of our Web/App.For example, they make it possible to monitor the traffic and communication of data, access restricted areas, perform the purchasing procedure for an order, use security elements, store content in order to broadcast videos or share content via social networks.

Targeted Cookies

These cookies store information on the behaviour of users obtained through their browsing on the Web/App so that we can show you advertising related to your browsing profile.

Social Media Cookies

These consist of a series of social media services we have added to the webpage to allow you to share our content with your friends and networks.




First-party cookies

These are cookies that are created or managed by LAKE ISLAND, with responsibility for the Web/App.

Third-party cookies

These are cookies that are managed by service providers external to LAKE ISLAND.The third parties are listed in the panel.

How to disable cookies in the most commonly-used web browsers

You can allow, block or delete the cookies installed on your computer in the settings options of your web browser.If you block them, certain services that require their use may not be available to you.

Below, we provide some links to information on how to enable your preferences on the most commonly-used web browsers:

Google Chrome

Mozilla Firefox

Internet Explorer



If you have accepted the third-party cookies, you can delete them from your web browser options or from the system offered by the third-party itself.

Conservation periods

LAKE ISLAND will keep the personal data only for a period that is reasonably necessary given the requirements to respond to issues that are raised or to resolve problems, make improvements, activate its services and fulfil the requirements of the applicable legislation.This means that it may keep the personal data for a reasonable time, including after the interested party has stopped using the services of LAKE ISLAND or has stopped using the WEB/APP.After this period, the personal data will be blocked on all LAKE ISLAND systems.

The validity of the consent given will not have a duration in excess of 13 months and once this period has elapsed it will request a new consent when you visit our WEB/APP.

Data transfers to third countries

In general, the data processing will be carried out by service providers located in the European Economic Area or in countries that have been declared to offer an adequate level of protection.

International data transfers may also occur between the communications hubs of the same to third countries, in which case LAKE ISLAND shall use the Standard Contractual Clauses adapted by the European Commission as a safeguard for transfers made to countries that are not covered by an adequacy decision of the European Commission.In all cases, third parties sharing certain personal data will have previously accredited the adoption of suitable technical and organisational measures for the correct protection of the same.

LAKE ISLAND does not, under any circumstances, sell customer data to third parties.

The third countries to which international data transfers are made are Russia, the UnitedStates and Canada.

You can find out more information about transfers to third countries made by the third parties identified in this Cookies Policy, wherever applicable, in their corresponding policies.

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